WAHM – Worth More Than Rubies

I thought those of you in Melbourne might be interested in attending the book launch for Worth More Than Rubies – the latest book by Kathie M. Thomas. I would love to be there however it’s a bit too far to travel from Brisbane for the evening.

For those who can make it, here are some more details:

Worth More Than Rubies book coverWorth More Than Rubies is about the desire of many women today to return home and care for their families, using their skills to contribute to the household income – yet this remains only a dream for many. 

Kathie gives women permission to return home and shares how she did exactly that, bringing up 5 daughters, while using skills she’d developed in the corporate world for over 20 years, to establish a new industry. She believes that women today can do what their ancestors did – work at home and care for the family, returning to old-fashioned values and using modern day skills. 

Concern for the welfare of our children, plus escalating costs of childcare make this book a ‘must read’ for all mothers who desire to work at home and be there for their families. 

Why not join Kathie for a drink to celebrate the launch of Worth More Than Rubies.  

Date: Thursday 20th September 
Time: 6.00pm
Venue: Dymocks Melbourne Cafe. 234 Collins St. Melbourne.
Cost: FREE EVENT but bookings essential

Book through Dymocks or for more info on the book, go to www.worth-more-than-rubies.com.

About the author, Donna-Marie

Donna-Marie is an award-winning Entrepreneur, Author, Online Mentor and Content Marketing Specialist who's been lifting up small business owners since 1998. She's got an incredible talent for showing business owners how to build their dream business and life, teaching them systems to boost profits and enjoy more freedom, all at the same time. Don't just go with the flow... create your business - and life - by design. 💕