Why I Regularly Delete Email Subscribers

What would you think if I suggested you delete email subscribers? Not all of them, just some of them. Maybe a lot of them.

Before you think I've lost the plot, read on to discover how this actually helps your business.

Hey there, Gorgeous! 

Today I want to have a little chat with you about something that might make you feel a bit uneasy — deleting email subscribers.

I know, I know... you worked so hard to build your list and the mere thought of removing any precious subscribers from it might feel like you're throwing away opportunities.

But here’s the thing: regularly cleaning your email list is one of the best things you can do for your business. Yes, you heard me right — sometimes, less really is more!

Let’s dig deeper into why I regularly delete email subscribers and why you should too.

delete email subscribers

What Is Email List Cleaning?

Before we get into the nitty-gritty, let’s first talk about what “email list cleaning” really means. Because that's what we're doing here.

Essentially, it’s the process of removing inactive or unengaged subscribers from your email list. These are the people who haven’t opened or clicked on any of your emails in a long time. And I’m not talking about a couple of weeks here... more like months, or even longer.

Now, you might be thinking, “But Donna-Marie, shouldn’t I be trying to win them back instead of kicking them to the curb?”

I hear you and I get where you’re coming from. But keeping unengaged subscribers on your list can actually hurt your business in more ways than you might realise.

Why It’s Important to Clean Your Email List:

Let’s talk about why this is so important. When you regularly clean your email list, you’re doing your business (and yourself!) a big favour. Here’s why:

1. Improves Email Deliverability

Your email service provider (ESP) is always watching. If you’re sending emails to a lot of people who never open them, your ESP might start thinking your emails are spammy — even if they’re not. This can lead to your emails being sent straight to the spam folder for everyone, including your most engaged subscribers. Cleaning your list means you’re only sending emails to people who actually want to hear from you, which improves your deliverability rates.

2. Increases Engagement Rates

When you delete unengaged subscribers, your engagement rates — like open rates and click-through rates — will naturally go up.


Because you’re only sending emails to people who are interested in what you have to say. This can also give you a little boost of confidence because, well, let’s be real, it feels good to see those numbers go up!

3. Saves You Money

Many email service providers charge you based on the number of subscribers you have. So why pay for people who aren’t even opening your emails? That doesn't make sense.

So by cleaning your list, you’re only paying for subscribers who are actually engaged, which can save you some serious dollars in the long run.

4. Keeps Your List Healthy

Your email list is like a garden — it needs regular care and attention to thrive. If you let too many weeds (i.e. unengaged subscribers... subscribers who don't really want to be on your list anymore) take over, it can choke out the healthy plants (i.e. your engaged subscribers).

By cleaning your list, you’re making sure your garden stays lush, vibrant and full of potential.

How to Clean Your Email List:

Now that you know why it’s so important, let’s talk about how to actually do it. Don’t worry... I’m not going to leave you hanging with a big to-do list and no instructions. Here’s a step-by-step guide to cleaning your email list:

Step 1: Identify Inactive Subscribers

The first step is to identify which subscribers are inactive. Most email service providers make this pretty easy to do. You can usually filter your list to see who hasn’t opened or clicked on any of your emails in a certain period, let's say, the last 4 months or 6 months. These are the people you’ll want to target for removal.

Step 2: Send a Re-Engagement Campaign

Before you go ahead and delete these subscribers, give them one last chance to stay on your list. This is where a re-engagement campaign comes in.

A re-engagement campaign is where you send an email (or a series of emails) to your inactive subscribers, letting them know you’ve noticed they haven’t been opening your emails. Be honest and straightforward... ask if they still want to be on your list and let them know they’ll be unsubscribed if they don’t respond.

Here’s a little script you can use:

“Hey there! I’ve noticed you haven’t opened any of my emails in a while and I totally get it — life gets busy.

But I wanted to check in and see if you’re still interested in receiving updates from me. If you’d like to stay on the list, just click here [INSERT LINK]. 

If not, no worries — I’ll go ahead and remove you so your inbox can stay nice and tidy. Thanks for being a part of my community!”

Step 3: Remove Unengaged Subscribers

After giving those you sent the re-engagement campaign to a fair chance to re-engage, it’s time to let go.

Yes, you can go ahead and unsubscribe anyone on your re-engagement campaign who didn’t respond. Depending on what email service provider you use, you may be able to set this up to happen automatically as part of the re-engagement campaign. 

I know it can feel a little scary, but remember — you’re making space for the people who are truly interested in what you have to offer.

Step 4: Repeat Regularly

Cleaning your email list isn’t a one-and-done kind of thing. Make it a regular part of your routine — quarterly or bi-annually works for most businesses. Personally, I do this bi-annually.

By doing this regularly, you’ll keep your list healthy, your engagement high and your costs low.

Common Concerns About Cleaning Your Email List:

I know this may be a new concept for you and, if so, it’s natural to have a few concerns. Let’s address some of the most common ones now:

"But I worked so hard to build my list!”

Absolutely! And well done YOU! I’m certainly not saying that effort wasn’t worthwhile.

But what’s more valuable — a huge list of people who aren’t interested in what you have to say or a smaller list of highly engaged subscribers?

Quality always trumps quantity when it comes to email marketing.

“What if I accidentally remove someone who wanted to stay?”

If you follow the steps and send a re-engagement campaign, this shouldn’t happen. But even if it does, don’t worry. If someone really wants to be on your list, they can always re-subscribe.

Plus, by regularly cleaning your list, you’re ensuring that you’re only sending emails to people who truly want to be there.

“Will this hurt my business?”

In my experience, cleaning your email list will do the exact opposite. It helps you focus on the people who are genuinely interested in your content, which leads to better engagement, more sales and a stronger community. Trust me on this one — you won’t regret it.

Final Thoughts:

When you delete email subscribers via the act of cleaning your email list it might seem a little counterintuitive at first. But you'll soon discover it’s one of the best things you can do for your business.

By regularly removing unengaged subscribers, you’re ensuring that your emails are landing in the inboxes of people who actually want to hear from you. This leads to higher engagement, better deliverability and, ultimately, more success for your business.

So, what do you think? Are you ready to take the plunge and delete email subscribers from your list? I promise, it’s not as scary as it sounds and your business will be better for it.

Until next time, keep shining bright and taking care of that beautiful business of yours! xo

EXTRAORDINARY: How to ignite your passion, set goals that matter and create your dream life.

About the author, Donna-Marie

Donna-Marie is an award-winning Entrepreneur, Author, Online Mentor and Content Marketing Specialist who's been lifting up small business owners since 1998. She's got an incredible talent for showing business owners how to build their dream business and life, teaching them systems to boost profits and enjoy more freedom, all at the same time. Don't just go with the flow... create your business - and life - by design. 💕