Hey there, Lovely!
Let’s have a chat for a moment. Do you ever sit down to write a blog post, staring at that blinking cursor, and find yourself completely stuck? You know you need to fill your blog with great content, but your mind is drawing a big bold blank.
I’ve been there too. And trust me, we’re not alone.
The good news?
Coming up with blog post ideas doesn’t have to be a struggle. In fact, it can be pretty fun once you know where to look for inspiration.
Here’s the thing: If you run a business and help people solve problems, you’ve got a wealth of topics at your fingertips. It’s just a matter of unlocking them.
So, to help you out, I’ve put together 21 quick and easy ways to come up with blog content ideas that will not only keep your audience engaged but also have them coming back for more.
Ready to get those ideas flowing? Let’s dive in!
1. Q & A Posts
You get questions from your customers all the time, right? Well, what better way to address their needs than with a Q&A post! Compile a list of frequently asked questions (even the ones you get over and over again) and turn them into a helpful, informative post.
Trust me, if one person is asking, many others are probably wondering the same thing. Answering their questions in a blog post makes you the go-to expert they trust.
2. Your Personal Toolbox
Ever have a tool or resource that changed your business life? Share it!
Whether it’s a favorite app, a workflow hack or a piece of software you swear by, your audience will love to hear what tools you’re using to run your business efficiently. What’s in your personal toolbox that could make their lives easier?
3. An A to Z Post
Everyone loves a good A to Z guide. Choose a topic relevant to your business and walk your audience through the alphabet, giving them bite-sized tips from A to Z. For example, if you’re in marketing, you could write “The A to Z of Digital Marketing.” This type of post is fun, engaging and packed with value!
4. Behind the Scenes
People love a peek behind the curtain. Show your audience the process that goes into creating your products or services. Are you launching something new? Take them along for the ride!
Sharing behind-the-scenes content gives your readers an insider’s view and helps them feel more connected to your brand.
5. Tell Your Story
Your journey is unique and sharing it with your audience is a powerful way to connect on a deeper level. Write a blog post about your entrepreneurial journey — what inspired you, what challenges you faced and how you overcame them. It’s relatable and it shows your readers that you’ve been where they are, giving them hope and motivation to keep going.
6. Post an Infographic
Infographics are a visual and engaging way to share statistics or break down complex information. Have some interesting stats about your industry or customer base? Create an infographic that lays it all out in a way that’s easy to digest and then explain the data in your blog post. Infographics are also super shareable!
7. Write a Review
Have you read a book or article lately that blew your mind? Write a review about it! Whether it’s a book that shifted your perspective or an article that offers valuable insights for your audience, sharing your thoughts in a review can provide them with something new and useful to consider.
8. Post Your Favorite Quotes
We all need a little inspiration from time to time. Share your favorite quotes — whether they’re business-related, motivational or just something that resonates with your audience. You can also create your own! Quotes are quick, easy to read and great for sparking engagement.
9. “How to” Post
Your audience is always looking for solutions, so why not walk them through a process that solves one of their problems? Whether it’s “How to Write a Killer Sales Page” or “How to Organise Your Wardrobe,” step-by-step posts are a hit. Don’t forget to include visuals or photos to help illustrate the process!
10. Case Study
The term “case study” might sound daunting, but it’s actually just a detailed look at how you helped someone solve a problem. Share the story of a client you’ve worked with, the challenge they faced, the steps you took to help them and the results. It’s a powerful way to demonstrate the impact of your work.
11. Create an SAQ Post
You know those questions your customers should be asking but aren’t? Yep, those are your SAQs — Should Ask Questions. Create a blog post answering the questions you wish your audience would ask, but don’t know to ask yet. This positions you as a proactive expert who is one step ahead of their needs.
12. Survey Results
Want to know what your audience is thinking? Run a survey on a relevant topic, then share the results in a blog post. Whether you’re gauging interest in a new product or getting their take on a hot topic, survey results can offer valuable insights and spark engaging discussions.
13. List Post
List posts are gold. They’re easy to scan, packed with value, and can cover just about any topic. Whether it’s “10 Books Every Entrepreneur Should Read” or “5 Apps That Will Make Your Life Easier,” list posts are perfect for delivering a lot of information in a concise, organised format. This post you're reading now is a list post.
14. Checklist Post
Checklists are like list posts with an actionable twist. Create a step-by-step checklist that helps your audience accomplish something specific. For example, “Your Ultimate Blog Post Checklist.” Your readers will love having a clear, actionable guide they can follow.
15. Trend Post
What’s hot in your industry right now? Write a post about the latest trends and what they mean for your audience. Whether it’s a new tool, a shift in consumer behaviour or an emerging technique, your audience will appreciate you keeping them in the loop on what’s current.
16. Controversial Post
Sometimes, stirring the pot can be a good thing. Write about a controversial topic in your industry — something that people are passionate about and likely to have strong opinions on. You can either take a stand or present both sides and ask your readers what they think. Just be prepared for the conversation it might ignite!
17. Get Vulnerable
Your audience wants to know the real you. Share a personal story — maybe something that didn’t go as planned or a challenge you faced. Getting vulnerable helps humanise your brand and shows your readers that they’re not alone in their struggles.
18. Off Topic Post
Not every post has to be directly related to your niche. Sometimes — though not too often — sharing an off-topic post can surprise and delight your readers. Maybe you want to talk about a recent vacation or a life lesson you learned outside of work. Just be mindful that it still resonates with your audience.
19. “Best of” Post
Been blogging for a while? Create a roundup of your best content. Whether it’s the “Best of 2024” or “Best Posts on Email Marketing,” this type of post helps new readers discover your top content and gives existing readers a handy resource to revisit.
20. Challenge Post
Almost everyone loves a good challenge! Invite your audience to take part in a challenge, whether it’s a 30-day productivity challenge or a week-long mindfulness challenge. Encourage them to share their results in the comments or on social media, creating a sense of community and accountability.
21. Customer Showcase
Showcase your customers’ success stories. Share testimonials or walk your readers through the journey of a client you’ve helped. Highlight the steps you took together and the success they achieved. It’s a great way to build trust and show potential customers what’s possible.
Wrapping It All Up
And there you have it... 21 quick and easy ways to come up with blog post ideas. Once you start brainstorming, you’ll be amazed at how the ideas start flowing. Before you know it, you’ll have more content than you know what to do with!
Remember, it’s all about staying in tune with your audience, solving their problems and sharing valuable insights that help them on their journey. Keep a running list of blog post ideas handy and you’ll never be stuck staring at a blank screen again.
Happy writing! xo