Best Places To Learn New Skills

Written By Donna-Marie  |  Bits & Pieces 

I was recently speaking with an associate who wants to learn a particular skill however she can’t afford to undertake a set course to learn the skills she needs.

While there’s no doubt that professional courses are a great way to learn, unless you specifically need the certification of your qualifications, there are many other ways that you can learn new skills – and they don’t have to cost you anything.

In this particular instance, I suggested that my client visit her local library and borrow a variety of books on the topic. She could also join industry groups where she’s sure to get lots of helpful tips as well as access to a range of resources. Another good way to learn is to find out who the industry leaders are or who are considered amongst the best at this particular skill. Then find out if they run any coaching programs or even if they offer a regular newsletter. By subscribing to their newsletter you can learn a wealth of great information as well as getting great tips, referrals to other useful resources or special offers for up-coming products or events that may be useful.

So if there’s something that you would like to learn or refresh your skills at, don’t just look for the obvious. Think outside the square and you’re sure to come up with a few good ideas.



Simplifying small business…

About the author, Donna-Marie

Donna-Marie is an award-winning Entrepreneur, Author, Online Mentor and Content Marketing Specialist who's been lifting up small business owners since 1998. She's got an incredible talent for showing business owners how to build their dream business and life, teaching them systems to boost profits and enjoy more freedom, all at the same time. Don't just go with the flow... create your business - and life - by design. 💕