For the first video for this year I thought I’d focus on how I do my planning; how I plan what I’m doing for the year ahead.
Now a lot of people, they use the start of the year … use January as a good time to set their New Year’s resolutions and so forth. And this year in particular, even more than ever, I’ve been reading a lot of blog posts and hearing a lot of people saying whether or not they set New Year’s resolutions and, if so, how they do it and so forth.
Well, this is a little bit different. My thoughts on this are that I don’t set resolutions for the new year, as such. I don’t start on January 1st and set New Year’s resolutions that I’m going to try to stick to for the year ahead.
I plan throughout the year and I’ll be constantly revising my plans and my goals and so forth.
But something I do like to do at the beginning of each year is to set a word – or choose a word – that is going to define a lot of my decisions and a lot of my goals throughout the year.
So by that what I mean is, a couple of years ago my word was ‘discipline’. And that was something that I thought that, over the years, I’d become less and less self-disciplined in some areas and so discipline was going to be something I was really focusing on for myself for that year.
Another year it was ‘health’. I had some health issues and I knew that my health was going downhill, so health was going to be the main thing that I was focusing on.
And this is just a way that I like to try to keep track of whether my goals are in line with what I’m hoping to achieve for the year.
Now, it may or may not work for you, I don’t know. Everyone is different and what I suggest is, don’t do what I do. Don’t do what the person next door does. Don’t necessarily do what anyone else particularly does.
Try different strategies and find what works for you. There’s no point setting New Year’s resolutions if you’re not going to stick with them. There’s no point setting any goals if you’re not going to then set some plans in motion and then go ahead and achieve those goals.
If this is something that works for you, where you choose a word that you’re going to use for one of the focuses for yourself, to improve yourself throughout the year, I hope it works for you and I wish you all the best with it.