Business Planning for Solopreneurs: A Step-by-Step Guide

Written By Donna-Marie  |  Business Management 

Business Planning for Solopreneurs is a critical step in navigating the exciting yet challenging journey of solo entrepreneurship. It provides the essential roadmap needed to transform your individual venture into a flourishing success story. Yet it's often overlooked by so many.

So, my beautiful friend! Are you ready to dive into business planning and see your dreams take flight? Whether you're crafting your first business plan or revamping an old one, remember, this process is your golden ticket to a thriving solo venture. Let’s keep it simple and effective, because, in business planning for solopreneurs as well as any other type of business, clarity is key!

business plan for solopreneurs

The Essentials of Business Planning for Solopreneurs: Your Blueprint For Success

Here are 3 essentials to keep in mind when it comes to business planning:

1. Embrace the Power of Planning: Having a well thought-out business plan isn't only for big business. Regular business planning for solopreneurs and small business owners is a game-changer. It’s not just a task; it’s the wind beneath your entrepreneurial wings.

A clear plan acts like a roadmap, guiding you towards key activities and decisions. Without it, you might find yourself lost in a sea of options, unsure of what to focus on. A well-thought-out plan streamlines your process, clearly outlining steps to enhance your product offerings or elevate your income levels. It's about knowing what to do next and doing it well. Think of it as your roadmap, helping you navigate towards success with confidence and clarity.

Whenever you need to make decisions about your business - particularly when it comes to new opportunities and 'shiny objects' - ask yourself if this fits with your business goals. Will this take you closer to or further away from your goals? I find this question incredibly helpful when making decisions.

2. Set Impactful Goals: When it comes to business planning, dream big! Setting ambitious goals can ignite your creative spark in unexpected ways.

Try this: set a lofty income goal for the upcoming month. Write it down, place it where you'll see it daily and then watch the magic unfold. Every morning when you look at that figure ask yourself what you can do today that will take you closer to that goal.

You'll start thinking differently, finding innovative ways to drive traffic, launching engaging promotions and seeing your bank balance grow. This proactive mindset can be likened to the bursts of creativity and efficiency we often experience under tight deadlines, like preparing for college finals or tidying up before guests arrive.

3. Harness Your Subconscious: Remember, while you’re busy with day-to-day tasks, your subconscious is aligning with your goals, working in the background to turn your plans into reality. This synergy between conscious actions and subconscious processing accelerates your journey towards success.

Plan, Prosper and Enjoy Life Beyond the Desk

Enjoying the Fruits of Your Planning:

Strategic planning isn’t just about boosting your income; it’s about creating a lifestyle that allows you to cherish moments beyond work. Let’s dive into this planning season with enthusiasm, setting the stage for a year of remarkable achievements and personal fulfillment.

Business Planning for Solopreneurs: A Starting Point

Before you leap into action, take a moment to assess where you are right now. Like a GPS, business planning requires understanding your current position to chart the most effective path forward. Gather your data – traffic, subscribers, customers, income and expenses – to create a clear picture of your starting point.

Business planning for solopreneurs' future success is all about data. You can work most efficiently and spend your time and money most effectively if you know exactly where you are starting from. By recording data, you can start to see what’s working, what isn’t and what trends are starting to play out. And it all starts with recording where you’re at right now.

Let’s take a look at some of the things you want to record. First though, you should decide how you want to record this information.  You can write it down by hand in a notebook, open up a word document to do it digitally, or use a spreadsheet. I prefer a spreadsheet because I have the option to have it calculate fun additional information like weekly and monthly averages and even map it all out in graphics to help me get a clearer picture. But do whatever works best for you. 


To grow you need to expand your reach. That means getting more traffic, but also engaging the people that come to your site by encouraging them to click around and read more. Good things to keep track of are total visitors, unique visitors, bounce rate and of course where the traffic is coming from. Using a free tool like Google Analytics is a great way to track this data and you can get all these figures quickly, whenever you want.

List / Subscribers

Your next goal is always to get these people visiting your website or your social content onto your list. Here you want to track total number of subscribers, conversion rates for each of your opt-in forms and pages, open rates for your emails and also unsubscribes. As you start to collect and review this data regularly, you’ll get a much better picture of your subscribers.


Subscribers are great, customers are better. Start by keeping track of how many total customers you have and how many purchases they make per day, week and month. Other good numbers to look at are total lifetime value of your average customer, repeat purchases and refund rates.

Income And Expenses

Last but not least, look at your bottom line. This is your typical accounting data. You want to keep track of your income as well as your expenses. With those two sets of numbers, you can easily calculate your overall profit. I find it helpful to look at profit for the month, but track income on a daily basis.

You can look at most of this data in like Google Analytics, your shopping cart and your autoresponder service for example. But it's also good to have all this data in one place. I get the data from these sources and input them into a spreadsheet. This makes it much easier to connect the dots and see the relationships between the different sets of numbers.

Now that you have your initial data collection set up, make it a habit to update the numbers regularly so you can see what’s working, what isn’t and how much you’re growing as you move through the coming months and years. If this sort of data management is really not your cup of tea, I highly recommend paying someone to do this for you. A good VA (Virtual Assistant) will be able to set up the necessary data collection tools and manage this for you easily.

You Have To Know Where You’re At Right Now To Measure Growth And Figure Out What You Should Be Working On

business planning for solopreneurs

Crafting a Financial Blueprint for Your Goals

When doing the financial part of your business plan, start with the end in mind. Set a specific financial target and explore various ways to achieve it. For instance, how many extra sales a month do you need to reach that goal you just set? Break down these goals further into daily actionable steps, such as increasing website traffic to attract new subscribers, add follow up emails to nurture those subscribers.

Don't limit yourself to one approach. Developing a new product monthly or creating higher-priced items can reduce the number of sales needed to reach your goal. Recurring payment options, such as memberships or affiliate offers with ongoing commissions, provide a stable income source.

Once you've defined your goal, like acquiring 20 subscribers for a membership program, break it down into daily tasks. These might include content creation, traffic generation and marketing strategies.

Remember to take into account additional costs that may be needed in order to get these extra sales. For example, paid advertising could definitely be an easy and worthwhile way to get the extra sales. But you'll need to account for the cost of those paid ads. 

Consistent effort and creative thinking will help you quickly achieve your targets, potentially exceeding them.

The Power of Writing Down Business Goals

Apparently, simply setting a goal in your mind doubles your chances of success. Writing it down increases those chances tenfold – a 1,000% boost in achieving your objectives. Is that cool or cool? I don't know about you, but that's a huge incentive for me to write them down!

When you write down a goal, it triggers several mental and psychological processes. This act of writing improves memory retention and understanding – a principle evident in tasks as simple as grocery shopping or note-taking during lectures. Encoding information through writing enhances storage and recall.

It's also important to review your goals and plans regularly for maximum impact. And having your goals written down makes them easier to review, further embedding them in your consciousness. Unfortunately, few people practice this, though it's a common trait among highly successful individuals. (Now that you know this, you're going to start writing your goals and plans down and reviewing them regularly, right?)

Stepping Beyond Your Comfort Zone

True growth happens when you step out of your comfort zone. In business planning, this might mean exploring new strategies like guest blogging, video content or paid ads. These bold moves can lead to significant opportunities and growth. 

Remember the saying, "If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got"? (I've seen variations of this quote attributed to Henry Ford, Tony Robbins and Jim Rohn. I'm not sure who said it first, so apologies for not being able to give appropriate credit for this saying.) Regardless, the point is, if you're happy with what you've achieved, great! But if not, it may be time to step outside of your comfort zone and take bold, inspired action.  

Engineering Explosive Growth Through Strategic Stacking

As you near the end of your business planning journey, think about stacking your efforts for maximum impact. Each goal you achieve sets the stage for the next, creating a domino effect of success. Collaborate, innovate and watch your business flourish.

For example, imagine starting with a goal to increase your income by $500 a month, enabling you to leave your day job. Once achieved, this milestone frees up time and energy to set more ambitious targets. For example, reinvesting a portion of your profits into Facebook ads or hiring a virtual assistant can catalyse further growth. Each step builds upon the previous, creating a ripple effect of success.

Closing Thoughts: Your Journey in Business Planning for Solopreneurs

As you embark on this exciting journey, remember: strategic planning, combined with a dash of courage, can lead to explosive growth. Embrace business planning for solopreneurs wholeheartedly, and watch as your solo venture soars to new, unimaginable heights! 😊🌟

About the author, Donna-Marie

Donna-Marie is an award-winning Entrepreneur, Author, Online Mentor and Content Marketing Specialist who's been lifting up small business owners since 1998. She's got an incredible talent for showing business owners how to build their dream business and life, teaching them systems to boost profits and enjoy more freedom, all at the same time. Don't just go with the flow... create your business - and life - by design. 💕